v3.7.0 to v3.7.1
Use the BIAToolKit to migrate the project
Manage the conflict (2 solutions)
- In BIAToolKit click on "4 - merge Rejected" and search
in all files.
- Resolve the conflict manually.
- Analyze the .rej file (search "diff a/" in VS code) that have been created in your project folder
- Apply manually the change.
- In BIAToolKit click on "4 - merge Rejected" and search
Change source path and run the script V3.7.0_to_V3.7.1_Replacement.ps1
Apply other manual step (describe bellow) at the end if all is ok, you can remove the .rej files (during the process they can be useful to resolve build problem)
For teams Crud (other than Site, User and member) :
- In objet that extend MembersIndexComponent:
- replace feature-templates/members/views/members-index/members-index.component.scss by feature-templates/crud-items/views/crud-items-index/crud-items-index.component.scss
- remove in constructor parameters : private authService : AuthService
- remove the this.parentIds = [this.*.currentCrudItemId?.toString()];
- In objet that extend MemberNewComponent:
- delete styleUrls: ['.*/shared/bia-shared/feature-templates/members/views/member-new/member-new.component.scss']
- Remove this.teamId = this.*TeamService.currentCrudItemId;
- In objet that extend MemberEditComponent:
- delete styleUrls: ['.*/shared/bia-shared/feature-templates/members/views/member-edit/member-edit.component.scss']
- remove this.teamId = this.*TeamService.currentCrudItemId;
- In objet that extend MemberItemComponent:
- replace feature-templates/members/views/member-item/member-item.component.html by feature-templates/crud-items/views/crud-item-item/crud-item-item.component.html
- replace feature-templates/members/views/member-item/member-item.component.scss by feature-templates/crud-items/views/crud-item-item/crud-item-item.component.scss
- replace path: ':memberId' by path: ':crudItemId'
- In objet that extend MembersIndexComponent:
For CRUD 3.7.0 that extends CrudItemsIndexComponent that you have create :
- replace
public getParentKey()
bypublic getParentIds(): any[]
- in getParentIds return and array => add [ ] over the return if nul return [].
- remove the
public getSignalRTargetedFeature() { return {parentKey: this.getParentKey()?.toString() , featureName : this.getFeatureName()}; }
- If you use ParentIds to set key replace
Id = this.getParentKey()
byId = this.getParentIds()[0]
- replace
(optional but smarter) In bia-table-controller add defaultViewPref in index.html (for CRUD 3.7.0 that extends CrudItemsIndexComponent)
1 To remove warning :
- This is done By PS script
- replace
\(([^\s]*)\?\.Any\(\) == true\)
by($1 != null && $1?.Any() == true)
- replace
\(([^\s]*)\?\.Any\(\) != true\)
by($1 == null || $1?.Any() != true)
- replace